Mesotherapy Vs Prp: Which Is Better For Hair Loss

In the market, there are many different ways to treat hair loss. Mesotherapy and Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy have gained attention recently. These treatments focus on enhancing the growth of hair and the overall health of the scalp; from these two choices, which one is better for treating hair loss? Let’s delve deeper into Mesotherapy and PRP to understand their benefits and differences.

How Does Mesotherapy Work for Hair Loss?

Method, which is very trendy these days for hair loss, it does mesotherapy. In this process, useful substances such as vitamins and minerals are injected into the middle skin layer called mesoderm with assistance from small needles. But what it does? Let’s delve into the science behind this treatment to understand its mechanism of action.

Understanding Hair Loss

To comprehend how mesotherapy works, one must grasp the primary causes of hair loss. When we see male or female pattern baldness it’s usually due to genetics. Other factors such as hormonal imbalances may also contribute, as well as lack of nutrients from the diet; stress could be a factor too. Causes of hair getting thinner at first and then disappearing totally from certain regions on the head could be linked to reduced blood flow to the scalp and irritation affecting hair follicles (Hair Loss Causes).

The Mechanism of Mesotherapy

Mesotherapy works by putting a strong mix of good elements into the skin layer of your scalp, allowing useful things to go to hair roots and stimulate new growth. The tiny shots are aimed at mesoderm, making it react in curative manners that improve blood circulation while lessening swelling and rejuvenating non-active or weak hair roots.

This is similar to the kind of food that vitamins in mesotherapy solution give for hair growth. They have Biotin, Panthenol, Zinc, and Magnesium in them. Amino acids like Arginine and Cysteine are also included.

Benefits of Mesotherapy for Hair Loss

The pluses of utilizing mesotherapy as a response to hair loss are numerous. It does not appear very invasive, causing only mild uneasiness and requiring minimal healing time. Through mesotherapy, there is no need for surgical procedures to bring back hair; thus, preventing scars from forming too.

On the safety and efficiency side, this part of mesotherapy to cure hair loss related to gender differences seems more advantageous for males. As for another aspect, customizing mesotherapy for each patient’s needs provides a different approach in dealing with hair loss.

Clinical Evidence

A lot of research studies show that mesotherapy might be useful for hair loss. This treatment could increase the number, thickness and quality of hair in people who experience different types of hair loss like male pattern baldness or female pattern baldness. Mesotherapy is a method to enhance the health of scalp and motivate follicles for better functioning; it might bring about growths in more new hairs while stopping any additional losses on existing ones.

Is Mesotherapy Right for You?

Speak with a good healthcare provider or dermatologist: If you have hair loss and are thinking about mesotherapy, it might be helpful to speak with a healthcare provider who knows your situation well.

They can evaluate what you want from the therapy, ask if there’s any other condition that may affect its success for example certain medical conditions or allergies and then decide whether this method suits best for you. Mesotherapy works well in many people but it is not always good for every case especially when there are certain medical situations or allergies involved.

Understanding the effectiveness of PRP treatment for Hair Loss

Hair fall is a problem for both males and females. You can find many possible methods in the market, like Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy for hair loss. Now we wonder: does PRP work good and how does it work? In conclusion, understand the scientific complexities and robust fight against hair loss that PRP treatment offers.

What is PRP therapy?

Treatment with Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) is a method that makes hair grow in areas where it has become thin or lost. To start the procedure, we take a little blood from the person who will receive this treatment. This material goes into an apparatus called centrifuge for processing.

The idea is to get the platelet-rich plasma out of your blood test. We put the concentrated liquid back into your scalp and hope it can start new hairs by starting healing responses in “dermal papilla cells” located on top layer of our head’s epidermis.

This procedure takes around 10–20 milliliters, similar to giving blood. This amount, often given in a series of small pricks, needs special handling before it is applied to the area with fewer or no hair (typically).

The elements within platelets which promote hair growth are parts of themselves. They stimulate the hair follicles and enhance blood flow to these places, providing them with nutrients that help in producing new hairs.

How does PRP work for hair loss?

The elements for growth in PRP act as an alarm to awaken the hair regrowth process by activating “sleeping” roots of hairs. When it is placed into your scalp, this rejuvenates and energizes these roots so they can create more complete and strong hairs.

Moreover, PRP therapy aids in enhancing blood flow towards your hair roots. This is crucial because it carries nutrients and oxygen that help with the growth of hair. By promoting better blood circulation to the skin on top of your head, PRP can enhance the well-being and lifespan of these hair roots which results in stronger strands.

Is PRP therapy effective for hair loss?

PRP, according to multiple studies, is beneficial for treating hair loss. These researches indicate that people suffering from hair loss can observe substantial improvement in the quantity, thickness and density of their hairs after using PRP.

In the Journal of Cutaneous and Aesthetic Surgery, a study found that PRP treatment is good for hair growth in men with male pattern baldness. Another investigation, as noted by the International Journal of Trichology, saw better hair thickness and width on patients who had androgenetic alopecia after getting PRP therapy.

The indications we possess regarding PRP therapy indicate it may provide hope for individuals experiencing hair loss problems. Frequently, those who have received this treatment express contentment with their results and noticed improvements such as increased hair thickness and fullness along with improved overall quality of hairs.

How many PRP sessions are required?

The number of sessions required for PRP might differ between individuals, indicating the level of hair loss they have. Often, people need a sequence of PRP treatments spread out with gaps in weeks to achieve best outcomes.

Usually, it might require around three to six PRP sessions for patients to observe evident enhancements in hair growth. After the first set of treatments, if a patient responds well they may be recommended sessions for maintaining and enhancing their results as well as promoting continuous hair development.

Mesotherapy Vs PRP: Which is Better for Hair Loss?

Each treatment has its pluses. Mesotherapy and PRP therapy could be helpful for the problem of losing hair, but it’s just a matter of preference on your part.

Mesotherapy may be a better option for individuals who:

  • Prefer a non-invasive treatment
  • Want a quick and painless procedure
  • Are looking for a treatment that improves overall scalp health
  • Have mild to moderate hair loss

PRP therapy may be a better option for individuals who:

  • Prefer a natural treatment
  • Want long-lasting results
  • Have more advanced hair loss
  • Are looking for a treatment that promotes hair regrowth and thickness


If you are experiencing hair loss and searching for a specialist in mesotherapy for hair treatment in Bangalore? Your search ends here! DrMadhulika’s Aestheticaa provides advanced mesotherapy treatments that are customized to rejuvenate your scalp and encourage new hair development.

Are you wondering how mesotherapy is distinct from PRP for hair restoration? At Aestheticaa, we offer professional perspectives on Mesotherapy vs PRP. This assists in comprehending the special advantages of each technique.

Curious about the functioning of PRP for hair revitalization? Unveil the methodology of PRP therapy at Aestheticaa, where we employ your blood’s potential to activate hair follicles and yield denser, stronger hair. Think about Meso hair treatment as your answer to fight hair loss.

If you like the easy and painless way of mesotherapy, or if you want a natural method with PRP therapy – at Aestheticaa, they give special meetings where they help guide in selecting what treatment is best for your individual needs.

Now, you can start the process of getting back your trust and fixing your hair with Aestheticaa by Dr Madhulika. Plan a meeting for suggestions and begin your path to a thicker, livelier mane!
