Which is Better, PRP or GFC, for Reducing Hair Fall?

Having trouble with hair loss? Get in touch with our best gfc hair treatment in Bangalore to find out what’s wrong with your hair To make an appointment with one of our doctors near you for a hair treatment or hair transplant, call us.

How often do you look online for do-it-yourself tips or real ways to get good hair? For people whose hair is getting thinner, having thicker hair is a dream But what if we told you that it is clinically possible? Everything is now possible thanks to progress in technology At aesthetica by DrMadhulika, our experts give you some healthy hair tips based on treatments that have been shown to work

Platelet-rich Plasma (PRP) or Growth Factor Concentrate (GFC)? Which one is better? And why?

Both of these work best for good hair growth, and hundreds of our customers in India believe them Let’s take a close look at both methods to find the best one for your hair

If you lose your hair often, you will want to do everything you can to stop it Things will only work out if you do the right thing In the area of dermatology, two methods that have become very popular are Growth Factor Concentrate (GFC) treatment for hair loss and Plasma Rich Platelet (PRP) treatment for hair loss Both of them work But which is better: GFC or PRP hair treatment? Let’s discover the truth

What is PRP for hair loss?

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) uses the rich blood plasma of the patient to help his own hair follicles grow It has been shown that PRP can help with hair loss A lot of people, both men and women, have been able to grow their hair back in just a few sessions The process raises the body’s amounts of collagen and stem cells, which helps hair grow

Drawing blood from the arm is part of the process You can use the rich plasma in the blood on your hair The doctors then use a centrifuge to look for PRP in the blood Also, they put topical anesthetic on the head and a PRP treatment injection into the bald spots

Why PRP can help with hair loss

Some of the ways that PRP can help with hair loss are listed below

Makes hair stronger
Widens the width of current hair
Safe because there are no cuts or wounds
Because it uses the patient’s own material, it is non-allergenic
Changes in the hair color and thickness

How does GFC Treatment for Hair Loss work?

The patient’s own blood is used for GFC. Dermatologists inject a highly concentrated growth factor mixture into the scalp of the patients to help hair grow GFC has different growth factors in the blood of the patient Platelet-derived, epidermal, insulin-like, and vascular endothelial growth factors are some of them

Why GFC Treatment for Hair Loss Is Good?

The following are some benefits of GFC treatment

  • Prevents  hair loss
  • Hair grows stronger and thicker
  • Helps people with early stages of alopecia
  • Treatment lasts only a short time—it only takes 60 minutes to finish
  • It is safe, and doesn’t leave scars
  • Hair growth  lasts for about 75 to 80 percent

A comparison of GFC and PRP hair treatments: which is better?

It’s not possible to say for sure whether GFC or PRP is better Both methods are good for you on their own Also, the right choice for each person is important when deciding between GFC and prp hair treatment in bangalore. Talking to a doctor about what’s best for your situation is the best way to figure out which of GFC and PRP is better for you It will help make sure the products are safe and useful

Visit Aestheticaa by Dr Madhulika if you want to find the best GFC treatment near you. They have experienced doctors who have helped  thousands of people and gotten great results every time

Get Well and After Care

It’s important to take care of your hair after GFC treatment to get the best benefits Tips for getting better and taking care of yourself afterward:

For 48 hours, don’t do anything that makes your head sweat

Wait one to two days before washing after treatment

Do what your doctor tells you to do with hair products and drugs that you put on your skin

In addition, it is just as important to stay away from hair products that are made with strong chemicals Hair dyes, bleaches, and some style items often have ingredients that could hurt or slow down the mending process of the treatment area

After treatment, patients often feel some mild pain, redness, and swelling at the injection sites Putting on ice packs can help ease these short-term effects PRP treatment is slightly invasive, so you can quickly get back to your normal activities However, you should avoid hard exercise for a while after treatment to help your body heal and get the most out of the benefits

Dangers and Side Effects

Growth Factor Concentrate Therapy, or GFC Therapy, is a treatment that uses the patient’s own blood to make hair grow and face look younger A lot of people think it’s safe and natural, but like any medical treatment, it could have some risks and side effects The web search shows that some of the most  common risks and side effects of GFC Therapy are:

Redness or swelling: The injection sites may also be red or swollen for a short time This is a normal part of the healing process Also, these normally go away in a few days

Bruising: Some people may get small bruises where they were injected, especially those with sensitive skin This reaction lasts only a short time and goes away quickly as well At the injection places, there is a small chance of getting an infection, though it doesn’t happen very often This won’t happen if you follow the provider’s advice for good cleanliness and treatment.

To lower the risks and side effects of GFC Therapy, it’s important to talk to a trained and experienced professional who can see if you are a good candidate for the treatment and follow strict rules to make sure safety and quality You should also stay away from smoking, drinking, and anti-inflammatory drugs for a few days before and after the treatment These things can slow down the healing process


These days, both PRP and GFC treatments for hair are great for hair growth, especially after COVID, when most people lose their hair After looking at your medical background and the signs of your hair loss, your doctor will be able to tell you which of these is best for you

Right now, make an appointment online or at the aestheticaa by Dr Madhulika make sure that healthy hair will be at your door soon
